


Enhancing Accessibility, Shareability, and Consumption in the Publishing Industry


By Muhammed Abdulla NC | Published on Sep 25 | 5 Minute Read


Do you want to boost print shareability, accessibility, and print consumption in the publishing industry? If yes, you’ve landed at just the right place—here’s how you can boost print/publishing accessibility in this dreadfully digitized era!


It is unquestionable that the publishing industry has long been a mainstay of information collection and sharing, but it’s also self-evident that this sector has undergone major reforms, especially over the past decade. With the vivid advancements in the publishing industry in the digital era, you can make your publishing material more shareable across several digital platforms while also encouraging reader retention—by utilizing interactive components, user-generated content platforms, and collaborative features. All of this calls for the need for adaptation to Industry 4.0 that allows your readers to customize their content and take home a rather immersive experience!


In this blog, we’ll delve deeper into how you may avail yourself of digital tools and user-generated content to make your print magazines more accessible, shareable, and popular in today’s dynamic media ecosystem!


Understanding Accessibility


Print/publishing accessibility is becoming an ever-growing concern in the publishing industry, given the erratic growth of digital media. Needless to say, more information is now being consumed than ever before, which makes it particularly important for publishers to make sure their content is available to everyone—in just the way they prefer. This implies making sure all your readers, regardless of their physical condition or location, are able to access your articles and listicles. 


To tick all the inclusivity and accessibility standards, you need to make sure you’re following the current requirements for accessibility and diversity—in order to offer a welcoming experience. This includes spending money on devices like screen reader software, text-to-speech programs, and translation services that will make information accessible to those with impairments or who do not speak the publication's language well. 


You can also make use of intelligent marketing ploys to advertise your print material, but make sure it reaches a larger audience. For instance, social media sites let them speak with users directly and start discussions about particular books or topics. This way, you can effortlessly inflate the shareability of your content while also adding value for your readers. 


Shareability in the Print Industry


It’s a no-brainer that success in the publishing industry in the digital era depends on print shareability, which is why you must carefully opt for techniques—to make your material easily accessible and shareable with your target market. Because we live in a time where digital media is in charge, you need to link to articles or books directly from your page on social media—a foolproof way to communicate with readers and tell them of new publications. User-generated content, such as reviews or comments, can help increase visibility and pique readers' interest.


To truly unlock the potential of the print industry transformation, you need to make sure your strategies are adapted appropriately; this is where data analytics come in handy. By understanding how readers interact with your content, you can determine which themes connect most strongly with them—and likewise adjust your existing content. When you make use of interactive components, such as polls or quizzes, you can not only boost engagement but also add value for your visitors, keeping them returning for more. 


By leveraging social media and user-generated content, you will be developing a dedicated following that’s more likely to consume your content in the future. Bear in mind, materials can be optimized for maximum online visibility through data-driven insights into reader preferences, intelligent use of user-generated content, interactive features, and social media campaigns—so don’t miss out on any of these shareability techniques! 


Enhancing Print Consumption


Creating value for readers and implementing sustainable printing practices is by far the most vital step in achieving success in the print industry. In today’s age of digital disruption, everybody is on the lookout to boost print usage and maintain their competitiveness in the market. However, to differentiate yourself from the crowd, you must utilize personalization in print as your core strategy—to provide your readers with just the type of content they want.


What you can do is—incorporate interactive components (let's say, fun music, graphics, or pictures) to boost the user experience. Next up, choose collaborative tools, such as polls or comments, that keep your readers hooked on your content. What’s more, e-reading platforms and mobile apps also call for a practical way for individuals to access your material while on the go, assisting you in expanding into new areas.


Green printing techniques are crucial for growing print usage in a sustainable way. One method by which you can dramatically lessen the environmental impact of printing materials while still giving readers top-notch content is—using recycled paper or vegetable-based inks. Besides, spending money on energy-efficient printing technologies could also improve production procedures—and lower energy usage in printing facilities, potentially enhancing print consumption. 


Accessibility & Shareability Strategies


Cutting short, there are two ways to increase the accessibility and shareability of print documents for readers: braille and tactile printing. Tactile printing typically uses a 3D printer or specialized ink to formulate raised pictures—so that readers may interpret an image or diagram without relying on their vision, similar to Braille, which includes embossing raised dots into paper for readers to read by feeling the words. Both methods contribute to making print items more enjoyable for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.


Screen readers and audiobooks/podcasts are yet another mind-boggling resource for boosting accessibility and shareability in the publishing sector. Screen readers read out text from websites—so users who have trouble reading can still access information online. On the contrary, podcasts offer audio versions of stories, which is convenient for busy readers who want to listen on the go. Audiobooks enable people who are blind or visually impaired to enjoy literature without needing assistance.


Finally, you can avail yourself of social media marketing techniques, such as influencer outreach and viral content creation, to reach a bigger audience—and increase engagement with your publications. While viral content production strategies like memes, GIFs, quick videos, and interactive quizzes can draw attention to publications in an entertaining fashion that encourages sharing online, influencer marketing enables publishers to tap into existing networks of interested followers.


Measuring Impact


After implementing all the tools and techniques to enhance accessibility and shareability, you must measure impact— in order to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts in the publishing sector. You need to monitor your success and fish for development opportunities—by using measures such as web traffic, click-through rate, on-page time, bounce rate, and all that tech-savvy stuff. Besides, social media analytics systems can offer insightful information when measuring the impact of sharing material across various platforms that are most effective for specific audiences. 


Last but not least, qualitative data collection techniques such as surveys or interviews allow you to get insightful reader feedback about how their experiences were with your printed goods. This way, you will be better able to interpret your readers’ viewpoints and preferences, further improving your printed content in the future. 




Due to the necessity to adapt to digital technology and consumer demand for easily accessible, shareable material, the publishing sector has undergone a fast transformation. As of today, publishers have phenomenal access to data collecting processes that automate and collect data in real-time, which promises a more accessible, shareable, and consumable future for all of us!

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